Years of tinea pedis, with itchy vesiculation, through acupuncture, herbal and herbal ointment treatment, well recovered in one week. As my TCM master, Dr.Xu said, our body is like a wood, if always in humidity, the wood turns into dampness type, here grows the mushrooms (which metaphor as disease) . To remove these mushrooms eternally, instead of covering it( temporal medicine), cutting it( operation), somehow still in high possibility of recurrence. On TCM aspect, we change the inner environment, lacking of their necessary growth condition, the mushrooms won't & cannot grow.
For appointments: (TEL)7121141/ +63 9275646491 / +63 9186067714 Email: RM.601-A Alliance Building, 410 Quintin Paredes Street, Binondo, Manila, Philippines 1006 Reservation Only Clinic Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, (no clinic on Sunday)