Due to allergic to certain food and tiredness, the skin of this patient turned red, itchiness and oozing. After acupuncture, internal and external Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for 3 sessions, the degree of redness, itchiness lower and the oozing turn dry. As we expel the dampness of his body, as well his stool turned more formed and the energy becomes better, no more heavy feeling. For derma problem, the diet is the strictest as kidney disease, since you eat something wrong again, the allergy will immediately occur. Therefore, we suggest patients avoid any fried, spicy, seafood, mushroom, bamboo shoots, nuts, and anything cause personal allergy. Last but not least, never stay up late which the low immune system function will be the most easy environment for allergy attacking. Of course, if taking any TCM herb treatment must be under TCM doctors’ guidances since it’s based on medical system and customized prescription. In clinical...
For appointments: (TEL)7121141/ +63 9275646491 / +63 9186067714 Email: lktcmph@gmail.com RM.601-A Alliance Building, 410 Quintin Paredes Street, Binondo, Manila, Philippines 1006 Reservation Only Clinic Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, (no clinic on Sunday)