Patient after weight lifting, had pain all the way through his left back and shoulder, difficulties to rise arms. We found out the trigger point is from his back, so called “supraspinatus tendonitis”, which people often misunderstood it as dearticulation, or joint sprain. Before any acupuncture treatment, precise diagnosis is prerequisite, therefore, we could target the main reason in efficient strategy. After acupuncture and tuina therapy, the patient could rise his arm and move his shoulder without pain. In the gym, there are common injuries after work out, for weightlifting such as strained lumbar muscle, dorsal muscle, and deltoid which causing back pain, shoulder pain, arm pain; for treadmill such as vastus lateralis muscle which causing knee pain, plantar fasciitis( feet pain) , and Achilles tendon injuries( heel pain). For concerns, proper warm up before work out is necessary, suitable sport shoes, and never gain the weight once too much while doing weightlifting. ...
For appointments: (TEL)7121141/ +63 9275646491 / +63 9186067714 Email: RM.601-A Alliance Building, 410 Quintin Paredes Street, Binondo, Manila, Philippines 1006 Reservation Only Clinic Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, (no clinic on Sunday)