We had PCOS patients who gain weight abnormally, delay or absence of menstruation, infertility, have well results in losing weight and improve menstrual frequency after herbal / acupuncture or combination therapy.
As the modern environment and life style changing, women are exposed to cosmetic, all kinds of cold drink/ice cream, processed food, all types of stress which put them in the big threaten of PCOS or other disease of endocrine disorders. Prevention is the best policy, but unfortunately still so many women suffer from the "new age disease".
Except surrender to it or use endless pills or injection of hormone, what we could do ?
Here are the best answer according to our clinical treatment as well still numerous reports of effective TCM therapy get testified.
Here are the best answer according to our clinical treatment as well still numerous reports of effective TCM therapy get testified.
Cooperate with your TCM doctor and do some change to refresh your life.
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