Many patients who first time try acupuncture always inquire the frequency of their therapy, here are our suggestion for most common situation:
For acute illness, we suggest patients keep their continuous therapy as daily or at least one day interval for catch the golden cure time.
For chronic illness there is definitely good for daily treatment , or at least 2-3 times a week,if once then could combine weekly TCM prescription to reinforce the effect.
For acute illness, we suggest patients keep their continuous therapy as daily or at least one day interval for catch the golden cure time.
For chronic illness there is definitely good for daily treatment , or at least 2-3 times a week,if once then could combine weekly TCM prescription to reinforce the effect.
" How many sessions could get 100% cured? " That's another usual question.
The answer is, since the disease is related to individually personal physique, family history, how long the disease occur, patients' life style, diet, exercise, emotions and so on, no one could give 100% precise conclusion how long a patient could totally recovered.
However, what we could tell patients confidently is, in the basic goal of totally curing the disease, we make improve to your uncomfortable symptoms, reduce your pain, promote the quality of your life which require cooperation between doctors and patients.
The answer is, since the disease is related to individually personal physique, family history, how long the disease occur, patients' life style, diet, exercise, emotions and so on, no one could give 100% precise conclusion how long a patient could totally recovered.
However, what we could tell patients confidently is, in the basic goal of totally curing the disease, we make improve to your uncomfortable symptoms, reduce your pain, promote the quality of your life which require cooperation between doctors and patients.
Therefore, make up your mind to get back your health, take our quality- guaranteed herbal with no side effects, enjoy acupuncture with no worries, relax and refresh your life~
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