What's difference of our "tendon releasing treatment" to "massage" ????? Tuina, as one special treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine, use different manipulation due to different areas of body, for sure, base on the diagnosis of TCM physicians.
Nowadays here extend more techniques such as original points, deep tissue, fascia therapy, and so on.
Therefore, a qualified TCM physician will find out your tendon knots which cause your muscle pain or any disease related and use professional skills releasing the knot. It may be with certain pain during treatment, but after that your main complain area will feel free.
However, people easily get confused or consider tuina as " massage" , asking, " why I go to spa or call home service for massage it's comfortable but releasing the tendon is with pain?"
Well, finding out the original tendon knot and the releasing skill is under the guide of Traditional Chinese Medicine which is...
For appointments: (TEL)7121141/ +63 9275646491 / +63 9186067714 Email: lktcmph@gmail.com RM.601-A Alliance Building, 410 Quintin Paredes Street, Binondo, Manila, Philippines 1006 Reservation Only Clinic Hours: Mon-Sat 10am-6pm, (no clinic on Sunday)