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Acupuncture & Traditional Chinese Medicine / Herb for Acne / derma / menstruation disorder

Well-cured case of acne through acupuncture & herb.
It was a long journey but we win the victory in the end, with patient’s trust and strong will, self discipline, there’s no any effort in vain as long as you want overcome it. We are always here by your side.
Patient came for menstruation disorder & pain, acne on face, back for ten years.
During weekly treatment, menstruation in regular, no pain, reduce all symptoms during period.
Steady treatment, acne appeared when stressful, had stomachache or diarrhea when eat outside ( oily, grilled, salty or high sugar, which ban for derma treatment)
During treatment, there’s an transitional period the acne will appear more which due to expelling the toxic in body, as clearly know that’s the disease from deep goes out, no worries & no extra medicine, keep regular sessions & herbs.
After we went through the tough time, we can see the skin refresh.
Patient keep regular treatment as wellness maintain, the derma situation is steady.
Chronic derma problem is more complicated combining many reasons such as digestion, menstruation, (like this case we need cure her disorder period which definitely relate to her acne as blood & qi stagnation, excess heat of stomach , deficiency of kidney), stress, diet, life style and the face wash, lotion they use, their cleaning habits, and so on. Our duty is not only do the best treatment but discover the reasons, guide them to be on the healthy way with correct knowledge from Traditional Chinese Medicine.


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