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Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for Splenomegaly /spleen enlargement

Patient after small bowel resection, was diagnosed as Splenomegaly, with low platelet, after 20 sessions of acupuncture & herb treatment, the spleen index from 1738cc reduced to 703cc, as well the platelet rise.
For Splenomegaly the western solution is operation, considering his past history of Hepatitis and the lack part of small intestine, there’s risk of operation which will cause his immune system weaken. After our TCM body check up and diagnosis, we customize treatments as saving the liver as priority and improve the digestive system as his backup.
In recent regularly check up, the patient is under well control and reducing the burden of splenomegaly of 1000cc without any surgery, continuing acupuncture and herb treatment once a week to maintain steady.


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