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Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for atopic dermatitis

Case of atopic dermatitis
A 29-year-old female patient was diagnosed with atopic dermatitis for two years. She was not well controlled with steroid medication and worsened in the last month. 
First time came to us, she said as main complain, “ My skin around mouth is irresistibly red and itchy! “ 
In the past, she used to put steroid to control it, nowadays even rubbed it for 2 or 3 days, the skin is still overwhelmingly itchy.
How to help her?
Our explanation:
Although proper use of steroid can quickly relieve symptoms, but in long-term abusing of it may cause drug dependence. When the previous drug function is out of effect, the symptoms will reoccur, then need to add the dose again and again. More examples of medicine as similar condition as antihistamines.
The long-term use of immunosuppressants or steroids will make the immune system relatively low, prone to fungal infections, or problems with other immune dysfunctions.

So, our advantage of Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment is help resume the body boost or regulate immune system and combine with customized diet.

Feedback from this patient :
By acupuncture three times a week and customized herbal decoction treatment, the redness, itchiness, and burning sensation around the mouth were all gone. The overall treatment took two months.

Longkang TCM knowledge for patient :
In addition to internal medicine, TCM external application, and acupuncture,
Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for atopic dermatitis and other skin diseases also focus on comprehensive diet management. Especially keep from highly refined foods and artificial additives because they might make the immune system more and more debilitated.

The principles of diet for this patient are as followings:
◎ DO NOTeat snacks, fried, chocolate, curry, French fries and other fried and spicy
◎ More natural food, less processed food
◎ Increase the proportion of fresh food
◎ Cook in light favor, mainly boiled and steamed
◎ Record the diet diary daily


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