Acupuncture for cryptogenic shoulder joint pain, transferred and recommended from neurologic doctor.
This case as the patient first visit, her left arm totally unable to move or lift, even try hard on her shoulder but the joint seem losing function. With x-ray, neurologic examination, there’s no any injury seen on the joint, we called as cryptogenic joint problem ( unknown reason).
This case as the patient first visit, her left arm totally unable to move or lift, even try hard on her shoulder but the joint seem losing function. With x-ray, neurologic examination, there’s no any injury seen on the joint, we called as cryptogenic joint problem ( unknown reason).
first session of acupuncture, she felt the joint released; after second
session, her left arm could lift; after the third, she showed us how she lift
and maintain 10 seconds; the forth, she lift and maintain almost 1 min.
For the
last several sessions she could lift arm and over 1 min, as well her
hyperacidity and insomnia as she complained when first visit all improved.
treatment if the pain appears or patient feel more sensitive to the pain
sensation, it’s because the circulation comes active, through the transection
time, the joint also going recovery.
Last but
not least , regular stretching the shoulder is the best prevention for frozen
shoulder, combining customized diet, boosting the healing speed.
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