Acupuncture and TCM Herbal medicine for prurigo/ itchy skin. Which is related to sinus or constipation ?
and TCM Herbal medicine for prurigo/ itchy skin. Which is related to sinus or constipation
patients come treatment with nasitis, allergic rhinitis, sinus symptoms, or
constipation, along with skin itchy, and rashes. However, those derma symptoms are the
reflections of the lung and large intestine condition.
to theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine, “The lung governs skin and hair”, ”Lung and
Large intestine have Relevance” ,this patient had cough and phlegm as main
complaints, with constipation , and the rashes on both elbows, where the
meridian according to acupuncture theory related to the lung and large
intestine as well. In conclusion, we did
acupuncture and made TCM herbal prescription through the principle of “
expelling pathogens from both interior and exterior”.
two hawks with one arrow, we target the lung problem, meanwhile solved the rashes
and constipation. Let’s say acupuncture needles and herb prescription are as
the weapons for fighting diseases, so our professional TCM diagnosis is the
master plan which focus the main reason, then eliminate the three dimensions of
symptoms of lung, large intestine and skin, in one and exact strategy.
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